May 26, 2012

Should We Standardize Diabetic Medical Tattoos?

When will doctors stay out of patients personal lives? Apparently, they feel that it is their duty to run everything when it comes to patients and their personal lives. This time doctor, stay in your office and out of our lives. When you diagnose us with diabetes, you say little and expect much. Our appointments are short and not enough time to learn. You cannot live with us 24/7, so leave well enough alone.

This short article in Medscape does get my ire up. This doctor feels that he should have the right to tell diabetes patients where and what is proper for diabetes tattoos. He feels that first responders should have a standard place to look for tattoos as they do for medic alert bracelets. Since this doctor is not a person with diabetes, I hope that he does not get his way.

Many people have abandoned medic alert bracelets and even necklaces for tattoos because they do not want them seen by everybody that meets them. They want something that is there, but not on a wrist. Some people are not allowed to wear bracelets or necklaces because of their occupation. Many people wish to keep their diabetes a secret from others. I wonder if the good doctor has even considered this. Another thought doctor, how many people actually have medical alert tattoos and how many people with diabetes even wear medical alert jewelry?  

Even if this doctor convinces other doctors that this needs to be standardized, I say that the people desiring unobtrusive tattoos will get them. If the doctors think they can make the tattoo artists put all medic alert tattoos in one place, they don't understand what a tip can accomplish. A few will abide by the wishes of doctors, but their competitors in the next bloc will be happy to do it according to the client’s wishes.

Sorry doctor, I think this is one desire for control that is an illusion. I can almost hear this doctor complaining how non-compliant his patients are for not having their tattoos aligned. I am surprised he is not bellowing about the unsanitary conditions and potential for infections with tattoos.

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