I had to reread this and I still had
some doubts, but science cannot always be that wrong. But
apparently, it is science that is clearly pointing at proton pump
inhibitors (PPIs) in increasing the risk of Alzheimer’s by 50
percent and Kidney disease by up to 50 percent. It is a fact that
stomach acid drugs have become conventional medicine's wrongheaded
answer to stomach pain and acid reflux.
Again our scientists aren't
knowledgeable about what causes acid reflux, but a leading hypothesis
is that it’s caused by a stomach environment that is not acidic
enough. The lack of acid in the stomach short-circuits the signal
needed to close the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). Stomach pain may also be caused
by a lack of stomach acid. It sounds counterintuitive, but the lack
of acid leads to poor digestion, causing undigested food to ferment
in the gut. This leads to painful intestinal gas and other symptoms
of “bad bacteria” (such as helicobacter bacteria) taking hold.
Here, too, more acid, not less, will help.
Despite this evidence, conventional
medicine gives us proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) to treat stomach pain
and acid reflux, which work by eliminating acid production, thus
making the problem even worse.
The bad news doesn’t stop there.
Recent studies have revealed a frightening spectrum of side effects
caused by acid blockers:
- A large study published in JAMA Neurology found PPIs to be linked with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. The study found that regular use of PPIs increased the risk for dementia by as much as 52% compared with nonusers.
- Two new studies have linked acid blockers with chronic kidney disease. The increase in risk is cited as 20–50%.
- Another study found that PPIs may raise the risk of heart attack by 15–20%. Other studies have shown that PPIs damage the lining of blood vessels and thus promote cardiovascular events.
The link with pneumonia and other
infectious diseases was established years ago. This may be because
acid is a barrier to infectious organisms getting inside your body.
Stomach acid helps digest food and too
little stomach acid can lead to nutrient deficiencies (since it is
harder for the body to extract minerals and vitamins from food) and
food poisoning. Reduced calcium absorption, for instance, leaves
people who regularly take PPIs susceptible to bone fractures.
It can also be hard to stop taking PPIs
once started. When patients stop taking them, fermentation can cause
pain. It may also be hard to re-establish the ability to produce
Given these dangers, why do doctors
continue to suggest these drugs to their patients? As always, it is
instructive to follow the money. Blockbuster drugs in this class
such as Prevacid, Prilosec, and Nexium bring in billions of dollars
each year.
The good news is that stomach pain can
be managed without using these dangerous drugs. Restoring stomach
acid with hydrochloric acid supplements both helps the stomach signal
the pyloric valve to close and also helps control the helicobacter
bacteria. Lifestyle changes can also help reduce stomach pain and
acid reflux, such as losing weight and eating a healthy diet.
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