I am very surprised and yet very happy.
This fall has been one of ups and downs for many of the support
group. Most of us are happy that most of the dual title (RD and CDE)
people have moved out of the area. We know that two CDEs are still
around and one RD is still preaching high carb, but for the most
part, many of the new members have been given permission to see
Brenda's daughter or my cousin for nutrition advice.
Tim is very happy as he has been
approved for using my cousin for nutrition and Bonnie has worked with
a CDE and asked Tim to use her if his insurance will approve. Tim
agreed after meeting her and asking several questions, and has told
Bonnie that as soon as she can practice, she had better plan on being
Allen, Barry, and Ben have found a
doctor that believes them and it wasn't Dr. Tom. Even Sue has
changed to the same doctor. Allen, Jerry, and I all had our VA
appointments the same day and Allen and Jerry had excellent A1c's.
Because of a couple of infections the prior month, and another
problem, my A1c was higher than I anticipated. I have other doctor
appointments now and may need to see a VA specialist next year.
Beverly is away for some classes and
our December meeting could not happen. We did try and other
activities seemed to conflict. So, Sue and Jason are planning a
program for January. We did have a brief meeting on December 16,
since most could attend that evening. There were a few questions
that Allen, I needed to answer about insulin, and A.J had quite a few
questions about exercise. Sue's husband, Bob said that his fall
schedule had forced him to go on metformin and that presently he was
taking it two times per day for a total of 1,000 mg.
A.J emphasized that a YMCA membership
was not necessary, but could help for those that could afford it.
A.J said that with the open fall we have had, he has not needed to
use a swimming pool and has been able to exercise outside most days.
He asked how many could jump rope and was surprised at the lack of
response. A.J said that he is using this for some of his exercise
and his incline tread mill at other times on days that it has rained
enough to keep him from running.
Then A.J showed the group the jacket he
wore when running. With the florescent stripes, we could appreciate
why he showed us. Sue commented that she has almost hit other
runners and walkers that wear dark clothing in the evenings now that
it turns dark early. Several of the new members asked where they
could find the florescent material. A.J listed several places and
where it was the least expensive and where to find the widest
stripes. Then he displayed the pants he uses with their stripes. He
said that he has two sets and uses both and is happy he has them. He
estimated that his total cost was about $35 and he said that he
probably has more stripes than needed, but it was up to each person
how visible they wanted to be in the evenings.
This generated quite a bit of
discussion and then Tim said the meeting was adjourned and people
could talk among themselves if needed. Half an hour later the
cleanup was done and everyone left. Tim wanted to talk to me, we
went to my car, and Tim said that with Bonnie and my cousin taking
classes for several months, we needed to have Brenda's daughter and
members of our group have programs for a few months. I agreed and
said I would be looking for topics and Tim said he had several topics
in mind and he would put them in an email and ask for volunteers. I
thanked Tim and said I would wait for the email.
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