Our January meeting started with Dr.
Tom (previously shown as our local doctor) addressing both groups.
First, he thanked our group for the impromptu meeting earlier and
expressed his thanks to Sue for bringing her relative to be tested
and having her depression brought under control without the need for
depression drugs. He then turned to his group and told them that
thanks to this group including you, many of you will now be tested
for different vitamin and mineral deficiencies that would not
otherwise be considered deficient.
Next, he explained that the last few
months had been intensive and he thanked us for the research we do
and to his group, he asked if any of them might be interested in
research. Only one person expressed any desire and he was asked to
meet with us after the meeting was over.
Tim had been setting up the projector
for this Oregon State University website. Dr. Tom said he wanted to
start with vitamin B12 and the foods area first within B12. When Tim
scrolled to Food Sources, Dr. Tom took time to read it aloud and then
emphasized how important the last sentence in the first paragraph
should be to everyone. It says, “Individuals over the age of 50
should obtain their vitamin B12 in supplements or fortified foods
like fortified cereal because of the increased likelihood of
food-bound vitamin B12 malabsorption.”
Then Tim brought up the University of
Maryland Medical Center website and scrolled down to the Dietary
Sources, which reads, “Vitamin B12 is found only in animal
foods. Good dietary sources include fish, shellfish, dairy products,
organ meats -- particularly liver and kidney-- eggs, beef, and pork.”
Dr. Tom said he understands people that do not like organ meats,
as they are not his favorites either. He thanked Tim for doing this
as he felt both sources were important. Tim stated that both URLs
would be included in the email sent about the meeting.
Dr. Tom then explained that for anyone
over the age of 50 that might have fatigue or other problems
discussed on either site should not be afraid to ask for the test to
determine if they might have a deficiency. He would do the test and
felt it was important for people to consider before doing anything
about supplements. Then he emphasized that this was important for
their doctor to know because of the medication conflicts between
vitamin B12 and certain prescription medications, as shown at the bottom of my blog..
After some discussion, Dr. Tom called
attention to the Age-Related Macular Degeneration section and told
people to read this on both sites. Then he introduced the
ophthalmologist and said he would talk about vision and some of the
common problems for people with diabetes.
The eye doctor thanked Dr. Tom and then
thanked me for inviting him to speak about problems for diabetes
affecting eyesight. He explained that I had provided him with my blog on vision and the related websites and this helped explain much
of what he would be covering. Next he asked if everyone had diabetes
or pre-diabetes. All hands went up and he asked how many had their
eyes checked within the last year. Only 16 kept their hands up. He
asked if there were some that had eye exam in the last two years –
only two.
Then he addressed the seven that had
not raised their hands asking how many of them were on Medicare and
four raised their hand. He then stated that the American Diabetes
Association guidelines stated that two years was now the recommended
time between appointments. He said this is not good and you should
see your eye doctor for a dilated eye examination at least annually
if you are over 50 years of age and annually if certain conditions
exist before age 50. With some eye problems, an exam every six
months is recommended.
He then asked Tim to start the slides,
which showed the eye, and he pointed out what he would be able to see
in a dilated eye exam. Some of the slides showed what age-related
macular degeneration (AMD) looked like. Then he moved on to
cataracts and had several slides showing different aspects of their
development. Then he had slides showing what glaucoma looked like.
He then concluded with retinopathy and how this looked in the eye
He concluded that of those present,
that were his patients, none had retinopathy, several had early
stages of cataracts, two were being treated for AMD, and only one had
early glaucoma. He then had Tim show the last three slides, which
showed advanced glaucoma, cataracts, and AMD. Anyone with these
stages can be diagnosed as legally blind. The good news is by
discovering them early; treatment can prevent this from happening or delay the serious problem of blindness.
He concluded by saying everyone over
the age of 50 should have a dilated eye exam on an annual basis if
they have diabetes. Medicare does cover most of the cost and will
pay for most treatments. He finished that his office will work with
people that are not covered by insurance and do their best for them
in getting them help. Discussion and questions followed and he took
a few people aside to talk privately with them. The meeting ended
and the Dr. Tom asked several of us to talk with the one interested
in doing research.
The eye doctor asked if I would be
writing more blogs on the eye diseases and I said I was thinking
seriously about this. Since he has my address and email address he
asked which format I would prefer. I said email if he didn't mind.
He indicated that he had several URLs that he would send me and if I
could use them he would send several images as well. We agreed and
the meeting was over.
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