Are you concerned about dementia?
Apparently, many people with type 2 diabetes are not concerned.
Questions still need answering. What are doctors doing to help
people manage their diabetes? Are patients being informed of the
increased risk for dementia by having an A1c above 7.0%? Diabetes is
an established risk factor for dementia.
The sad part is our doctors are doing
very little to help people manage their diabetes. When it comes to
dementia, doctors are not even talking about this. Yes, there are a
very few that stay current and inform their patients, but the vast
majority could care less. What is even more alarming is the number
of patients that do nothing to learn about diabetes and managing
their diabetes.
This study is reported in the New
England Journal of Medicine. Sandra Adamson Fryhofer, MD reports on
this study in Medscape. “The study included more than 2000
patients, about 800 men and 1200 women, with a mean age of 76 years
at the start. None had dementia but about 200 of them had diabetes.
The rest did not. They were followed for 7 years. Blood sugars and
hemoglobin A1c levels were closely monitored. By the end of the
study, 524 people had developed dementia, 74 of whom were diabetic.
The remainder of those diagnosed with dementia were not.”
The study discovered that patients with
higher blood glucose levels on average were more likely to develop
dementia. Among people with diabetes, the risk for dementia was 40
percent higher for those averaging around 190 mg/dl when compared to
those with average blood glucose levels around 160 mg/dl. Other
surprising facts come from the pre-diabetes range. Those with
average blood glucose of 115 mg/dl were about 20 percent more likely
to develop dementia that those with average blood glucose levels of
100 mg/dl.
Insulin resistance and microvascular
disease of the central nervous system may also affect dementia, but
these have to be studied. Another factor that needs to be studied is
patients at the certain ages may have early onset of dementia that
causes them to not take care of their diabetes as well as they might
This study does suggest that any
increase in blood glucose levels above the normal range increases the
risk dementia. For those people with diabetes, the risk for dementia
is more elevated. Therefore, it makes preventing dementia even more
important by maintaining blood glucose levels at the normal range.
This means between 80 to 100 mg/dl or below 5.7% for A1c.
The problem is eating the right foods,
keeping weight in the idea range for height and frame size, as well
as great management of blood glucose levels.
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