Ignorance tends to be the rule when it
comes to diabetes. This applies to the doctors and to the patients.
Many doctors order the patients to test their blood glucose and then
stop their explanation. Instead of explaining the why, when, and how
to test, their ignorance shows because the patients often have no
idea what they were told.
Many patients then seek out their
pharmacists and receive the information needed. However, these same
patients only think they are testing for their doctor because he
ordered them to do it. Ignorance is king among these patients. A
small group will attempt to find out why they should test and spend
some time trying to learn. Then when they don't find anything that
“applies” to them, they give up and test for the doctor. Others
just test because the doctor told them to do this.
Some find the American Diabetes
Association (ADA) website and become baffled by the mountains of
information available. They soon realize that most of it is aimed at
doctors and become discouraged. They do not find the information for
patients, the forum, and other patient information.
Some find the American Association of
Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE) website, but because they have
dropped the list of approved diabetes websites and have no links to
other sites they have, people do not often stumble across this site.
Some do not like this site because there is not a lot of good patient
information contained in it. This tells me that the AACE does not
really care about patients either.
All diabetes organizations work harder
for people with type 1 diabetes, as they should. When it involves
people with type 2 diabetes, we are stepped on or ignored, they won't
support testing requirements and want limits on our testing supplies.
The leaders of the ADA and AACE think we can survive by only knowing
our A1c results. This is further discouragement for people with type
2 diabetes and many let this lead to further ignorance about the
importance of managing their diabetes.
Many people refuse to learn about
diabetes and how to manage their diabetes. They trust their doctor
to do what is best for them and as a result, they forget to manage
their diabetes, remain ignorant about diabetes, and let their blood
glucose levels do damage to their bodies and progress to the
complications. Most doctors fully believe this and treat their
patients with diabetes accordingly with no education, or
encouragement to manage their diabetes to delay or prevent the
complications from developing.
If people with type 2 diabetes would
learn about diabetes and how to manage it, they could do a lot to
prevent or delay the progression to the complications. A few of the
complications may develop, but with good diabetes management, many of
the more serious ones can be delayed for many years. Most people
with type 2 diabetes develop neuropathy, but with good management,
even this may not develop as fully as it can.
It is still a shame that people have to
let ignorance govern their life with diabetes, when it possible with
self-education to manage diabetes and die of old age before many of
the complications rear their ugly heads. It is also a crime that our
doctors care so little for their patients and will not even help with
education. If they could work with peer workers or peer mentors this
could really boost the education level. Doctors could also provide a
page with good diabetes sites to help with education, but doctors
can't seem to do something this helpful because they won't be paid
for their time.
If you think that this article is on
track about whom people turn to for diabetes information, you would
have to question how the questions were asked and the source of the
survey. They make it sound good for the doctors, but by doing some
intensive research, certain words lead to doubts. “Eight-in-10
indicate their doctor is very or somewhat involved in their own or
their household member's diabetes management; half report their
doctor is their primary source for condition info.” 'Somewhat
involved' is a key two words and leaves a lot to be desired. "Primary source for condition info" is very confusing and means that as diabetes progresses, the patients can only rely on receiving condition information and nothing about prevention of the progression to the complications.
The fact that AccentHealth is a source
of information that they put in the waiting rooms and doctors exam
rooms may mean that they have a right to claim what they do. This
does not mean that the doctors are the 'go-to' source of information,
just that they have some of the information that may help patients.
Most doctors do not have the time for education and maybe have their
nurses handing out the information provided by AccentHealth. Either
way, patients must still read these handouts, many of which end up in
the waste containers in the doctors' offices.
Most of the pamphlets are advertising
for diabetes drugs or drugs for the disease that you are seeing the
doctor for help. Very little in the pamphlets is about managing the
disease and self-education. I know that the pamphlets for diabetes
have very little to help the people with diabetes other than make
them familiar with the drugs they want the doctor to prescribe. In
my opinion, they cannot be relied on for good diabetes management
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