Welcome! This is written primarily for people with Type 2 Diabetes. Some information covers all types of diabetes. Always keep a positive attitude is my motto. I am a person with diabetes type 2 and write about my experiences and research. Please discuss medical problems with your doctor. Please do not click on the advertisers that have attached to certain words in this section. They are not authorized and are robbing me by doing so.
September 10, 2013
Is There a Best Way, Part 4
I admit that I do not understand why people continue to insist that their doctors are not telling them about the cure for diabetes. All I can say to this is good luck folks! There presently is no cure. I do tell them that if they maximize their lifestyle changes, they may be able to get off medications and stay off if they develop good nutrition and a good exercise regimen.
The second thing I get asked is what are the rules that will make diabetes manageable. All that I can answer to these is there are no rules, only guides and what works for certain segments of those with diabetes. Yet, they insist there has to be at least one rule. It is unfortunate for these people that there is one rule; if they refuse to manage their diabetes, complications will develop.
Below are some tips that may help, but many people will refuse to follow them.
Tip 1. Relax, you did not develop diabetes overnight. It may take some time to get your diabetes under the management level you want. As you become more comfortable with living with diabetes and how it affects your body, you will develop a routine. While diabetes will be in your thoughts daily, it will not necessarily limit you. Some people are able to radically change their lifestyle overnight, while others do not find the comfort zone for a few months.
Tip 2. What works for me may not work for you. Type 2 diabetes is a very individual disease. We can do a lot of adjusting to try to get the numbers where we want them. No one can say - "do what I do", and you will have the same results. We can only tell you what works for us, but you will have to experiment to find what works for you.
Tip 3. Let you meter tell you what to eat - it should become your best friend. Experiment with different foods and test one or two hours later to see what your blood glucose reading is. Test a lot the first couple of months and try different foods and combinations of food. Determine the amount fat in your foods to know whether you need to test at one hour and three hours. Eating a meal with more carbohydrates than normal should make you check your blood glucose reading to determine how the foods affect your blood glucose levels. When you have established some good routines and habits, then you may reduce your testing frequency. Be prepared to test more often and make it a habit to do intensive testing when things change or to check for possible changes.
Tip 4. It is all about carbohydrates (carbs). Everyone has to develop his or her own daily carb budget or menu. Then you need to follow it to help keep your diabetes under good management. You will eventually develop a plan and possibly some variations. There are some other factors such as lactose intolerance or gluten allergies that can interfere with a person's daily nutrition. Learn how to keep experimenting to develop what works for you. Many people with type 2 diabetes find that a medium to low carbohydrate regimen works well for them. Others find that the Paleo food plan works. Others find other food plans, but each must find the food plan that works for them.
Tip 5. Diabetes requires a lifestyle change - not a diet - diets fail. It is also not a day or two thing, it is a 24/7 lifestyle change, and we are in for the rest of our lives. The process involves learning everything you can about your diabetes, and everything you can about yourself and your body. Then apply it to your life on a daily basis.
Tip 6. You will make mistakes. We all do, and if you make one, it is important what you decide to do about it, but it is more important what you learn from the mistake. Pick up the pieces, reassemble them, and move on. It is not healthy to become stuck in depression or feel like a failure. We do not fail, we do not blame ourselves, and we learn to experiment.
Tip 7. Be flexible, being rigid will break you. Do not become obsessed with numbers - they should become part of routines and goals, but not an obsession. Diabetes can change at a moments notice. What works well today may not work tomorrow. There may be no rhyme or reason to the change, it may change for a reason you can comprehend, or it may simply leave you guessing. Sometimes, you just have to blame the phase of the moon for messing with your numbers and let the stress melt away.
Tip 8. Keep moving! Otherwise, they will be throwing dirt on you. Exercise as much as you are medically able. Park as far from the store as you are able, use stairs when possible, and not the elevator. You need to find the level of exercise that suits you. Some people exercise after every meal, some are not able, and it is all part of being flexible.
Tip 9. If you feel like screaming, kicking, maybe saying something under your breath, well, do it! There are times that diabetes can seem overwhelming and nothing is what it should be. As long as you are not screaming at your spouse, the kids, others, and kicking the animals - let it happen. There are times you must get it out of your system.
Tip 10. Do not let denial and small failures derail your diabetes management. This will defeat you and allow complications to get a foothold in your life. We are not perfect; however, there is a lot we can do to minimize complications, delay complications, or possibly prevent complications.
Tip 11. Keep a positive attitude. This will serve you well.
Tip 12. Remember the eleven tips and use them!
If you find other tips that work for you and apply to your circumstances, write them down and use them. This is not meant to be all-inclusive. Always be prepared to change your approach and goals as your situation changes.
Any guideline, from the ADA or any other source, probably works for somebody, but if you ever met that person, you might find that you have nothing in common with him/her. Therefore, the important question is not whether that person can get away with eating rice. The important question is whether you can get away with eating rice.
This is important - guidelines are theory-based. Good diabetes management has to be reality-based. In practical terms, what that means is that you don't ask the ADA whether or not you will get away with eating a cookie. You eat the cookie, you ask your meter if in fact you did get away with it. If the answer is "no", you make a note of that and you learn from your mistake.
Don't focus on theory -- focus on experimentation. Find out what works for you, and what doesn't work for you. Let your meter be your final authority. If one way of eating doesn't get you good results, find another food plan.
Tips to aid you
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