July 20, 2012

Summary of 'Back to Diabetes Basics' Series

This is a summary of the 12 blogs and a link to the blog to assist if you need to review any of the topics.

Back to Diabetes Basics – Part 1
What You May Experience After Diagnosis
The First Stage – Shock!
The Second Stage – Denial!
The Third Stage – Acceptance!
A Possible Fourth Stage – Depression!
An interesting blog and another way of looking at this by Gretchen Becker

Back to Diabetes Basics – Part 2
Why Keep Diabetes A Secret?
Presently There Is No Cure
Acronyms and Their Use
Some of the Testing Basics

Back to Diabetes Basics – Part 3
Hypoglycemia and Hyperglycemia
Doctors and the Different Types of Practice

Back to Diabetes Basics – Part 4
Proper Hand Care for Blood Glucose Testing
Importance of Self-monitored Blood Glucose (SMBG), and Type 2 Bloggers

Back to Diabetes Basics – Part 5
Diabetes Complications
Diabetes Myths
Diabetes Scams and Scammers
Food for Diabetes Patients and Introduction to Glycemic Index

Back to Diabetes Basics – Part 6
Exercise Is a Key in Diabetes Management
Lifestyle Changes

Back to Diabetes Basics – Part 7
Medical Alert Jewelry
Diabetes Management and Doctors
Suggestions for Doctors

Back to Diabetes Basics – Part 8
Learn to Count Carbohydrates
Diabetes Burnout

Back to Diabetes Basics – Part 9
Oral Medications

Back to Diabetes Basics – Part 10
Introduction to Insulins

Back to Diabetes Basics – Part 11

Back to Diabetes Basics – Part 12
Amylin Mimetic (Symlin)
Incretin Mimetic (Byetta)
Liraglutide Injection (Victoza)

There may be other topics that should be included, but at this time, I have only a few thoughts and decided to end this series of blogs. I may pick up some topics later and start another series in the future.

I am a firm believer that each person has to learn about how their body reacts to diabetes, how much exercise they are capable of doing, and finding out what works for them. There are no firm rules other than what works for me, may not work for you. Much of what is taught is on a one-size-fits-all basis. which can be misleading for many and does not work for everyone. This is the reason for giving people other information so that they may try different approaches in finding what works for them.

I have no objections if what I say does not work for you. My objective is to present ideas that you can adapt and make them over to work for you. Yes, I often make references to people saying the doctor did not mention or talk about this, as if this gives them a free pass. Just because your doctor did not mention or talk about something, does not mean that you are free to avoid it. Your diabetes health is too important and you should be working to constantly maintain excellent management of your diabetes.

Several points need to be emphasized before leaving this series. Do not, repeat do not consider insulin as a medication of last resort. Some people are capable of managing diabetes for many years without medication while others have trouble with oral medication and find it difficult to manage their diabetes with oral medication. Insulin should always be considered to prevent diabetes gaining the upper hand and causing complications.

Age is often not considered by ADA and other medical support organizations when they give out information. One-size-fits-all is the preferred mantra of most to avoid problems. This works fine for the average person, but if you are not the average person, know that you will need to adjust for age and abilities that you possess. I am working on a blog or possibly more about the consideration of age in managing diabetes.

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