July 27, 2011

Six Ways to Help Manage Type 2 Diabetes – P3

Error 3 - Going it Alone

In your efforts to manage diabetes, try to include those around you. If you live alone, this may be slightly more difficult, but find a friend or a buddy to assist you where possible. Others may have spouses, partners, or family members to assist in staying focused and on target with goals. While some are capable and have the ability to do some things alone, others need encouragement and support for achieving goals.

If you can afford a membership in a local YMCA or YWCA, often others that are members may be able to assist you with exercise routines and schedules. An exercise club may work for others. If you need a buddy, maybe someone from work can assist you and exercise with you.

If you are alone in life, there may be someone from your support group that you can find willing to assist in helping you keep on track and achieving your goals. I am aware of one individual that is a regular in her church and has a couple of them helping and checking on her. One exercises with her and another checks in with her on a daily basis. So don't become discouraged as often there can be someone without diabetes that is willing and looking for someone to do activities with.

There are diabetes forums online that can help with weight loss, daily record keeping and just being online for assistance. Do not forget your doctor as this person may have suggestions that may be just what is needed to get and keep you successful in your management of diabetes.

There are some individuals that can manage alone and do very well. It takes tenacity and perseverance, but some individuals exceed in these circumstances. Some individuals do not have the support and understanding of family members and must start out alone. Talk with family members and ask for their help. Sometimes it just takes the asking and you will receive help.

As you become more confident with meals and what foods do not elevate your blood glucose, if your are the cook, slowly start to change the meal plan for the entire family. This can be successful if done slowly and sometimes can be accomplished with talking to family members. If you have a spouse (and/or other family members) that accept that you need to change lifestyle habits and wants to change with you, then you are blessed. Do thank them and discuss the changes needed.

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