October 28, 2010

Goals for the New Type 2 Organization

I am a bit disappointed in the response to the first blog on Type 2 diabetes needing their own organization, but just in the comments. The emails were only from one person and not very friendly.

Outside of the need to have an organization for those of us with Type 2 diabetes, I had hoped to get some more objectives and goals that would give us more ideas. So with that in mind, I will attempt to list a few of them and hope that we can draw some responses.

Besides raising funds for research, finding the proper research venues will be a big priority. There seems to be some areas that are coming to light now that may need more exploration that may lead to keys for managing diabetes. Being more accurate in the diagnosis of diabetes should not be overlooked as the ADA has opted to support the A1c test only.

Something will need to be done for educating the medical profession in being more aggressive in diagnosis, early treatment, and follow up. See this for some hope. Patient education also needs to be strongly promoted. I am not sure how this would be best accomplished, but one suggestion would be on line resources. This could be accomplished by having pamphlets or booklets that every doctor or endocrinologist can hand out when diagnosed.

Sadly in need of education are the insurance companies in preventative medicine and early work for patient education, patient followup, and working with other doctors for overall health. This may include, heart disease prevention, sleep apnea, kidney health, neuropathy, eye health, and many other related areas.

Research will need to be done to find out what other people with diabetes want for support, what education they want and need, and what services would better serve them. I suspect some work will be needed with government agencies, medical groups, and diabetes manufacturers of all types.

Because of the problems specific to women and to men, there should be special education and on line help for each. Education will need to be considered for the younger people now being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes.

Education programs will need to be developed for hospitals and elder-care facilities. This will develop new standards for how patients with diabetes should be treated, allowed to be self-medicated while in these facilities, and procedures for reducing errors in IV solutions and medications. The attitudes of hospitals does need to be adjusted in many situations.

There has to be more objectives and goals. Help!

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