September 25, 2015

Eating Healthy with Diabetes

This is why I am very cautious in what I follow on WebMD. To my way of eating and thinking, this is not close to healthy. The opening statement is reasonable and can be accepted.

Be picky. Choose the right foods to keep your diabetes in check. Try to cook at home instead of going out. It's easier to keep track of what you eat when you make your own meals. I will quote what WebMD says and write my thoughts.

Quote: 1. Think whole.
Use brown rice and whole wheat pasta. Look for 100% whole wheat flour and breads as well as other whole grains such as oats and barley. Make the switch simple. For instance, if you are short on time, pop a packet of pre-cooked frozen brown rice into the microwave. Unquote.

These foods, which are carbohydrate dense, will raise your blood glucose more than desired and you want to avoid whole grains.

Quote: 2. Fill up!
Aim for at least 8 grams of fiber per meal, especially when you eat carbohydrate-rich foods. It will help manage your blood sugar, keep you feeling full, and be good for your heart health. That’s extra important because diabetes makes heart disease more likely. Try peas, beans, oats, barley, and fruits like apples, pears, berries, and citrus fruit, vegetables like sweet potatoes, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, carrots, and beets. Unquote.

Yes, 8 grams of fiber per meal is ideal, but you don't need to eat carbohydrate-rich foods. Be careful of vegetables that are carbohydrate-rich. Fiber is important for bodily functions, but you don't need the high amount of carbohydrates.

Quote: 3. Replace some carbs with good fat.
Monounsaturated fats -- nuts, avocadoes, olive oil, and canola oil -- can help lower your blood sugar. Just avoid huge portions so you don’t take in too many calories. Add nuts and avocado to salads and entrees. Look for salad dressings, marinades, and sauces made with canola or olive oil. You can also cook with these two oils. Unquote.

This is correct and very important, but forget the canola oil, which is not healthy. Don't forget the saturated fats, which are important also.

Quote: 4. Eat foods that won't spike blood sugar.
Foods that aren't likely to cause a big rise in blood sugar include meat, poultry, fish, avocados, salad vegetables, eggs, and cheese. Adding these items to your plate will help balance the foods you eat that contain carbs. Unquote.

Number 4 is correct and one that deserves being adhered to and followed.

Quote: 5. Go lean.
Choose recipes with less saturated fat. Maybe skip that cream sauce and look for lean cuts of meat, skim or low-fat dairy, and vegetable sources of protein like beans, lentils, or nuts. Unquote.

Most saturated fat is good for us. The trouble exists because many doctors have little knowledge about nutrition and still believe in the knowledge put forth by Keyes back in the 1970s. Whole milk may have more carbohydrates than skim milk, but whole cream is good for us.

Quote: 6. Check the fine print.
Does your recipe spell out what the calories, carbs, fiber, and fat are? That info comes in handy. Then all you have to do is stick to the suggested serving size and you’ll know exactly what you get. Unquote.

This makes sense and if you know what your body needs; do not be afraid of a few carbs, and high fat, plus a normal serving of protein.

Quote: 7. Think plant fat.
Make canola oil or olive oil your go-to ingredients. Both are rich in monounsaturated fat. Canola oil also has heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Unquote.

Olive oil is good for us, but beware of canola oil or other soybean oils. Canola and soybean oils do not have much of the heart healthy omega-3 fatty acids. They are also heavy in the omega-6, which our bodies do not need.

Quote: 8. Make salads easier.
Prep so it’s super-simple to throw together. Store a large spinach salad or vegetable-filled romaine lettuce salad in an airtight container without dressing. (You can add it later.) You can have a crisp tasty salad with your dinner or as a snack for the next several days. Unquote.

Salads are good and this suggestion is worth considering.

Quote: 9. Slice up dessert.
With a few chops of a knife, you can turn a few pieces of fruit into a beautiful fruit salad. Drizzle lemon or orange juice over the top. Then toss to coat the fruit. The vitamin C in the citrus juice helps prevent browning. Unquote.

Some fruit great, but watch using the orange juice as it will send glucose levels higher than desired. You would be wiser to eat the orange and forget about the juice.

Quote: 10. Outsmart your drink.
Watch the calories, sugar, and alcohol. If plain water doesn’t appeal, you can try a fizzy flavored (but not sweetened) water. Or sip no-calorie tea or coffee as the perfect finish to your home-made meal. Unquote.

This is worth considering and be careful about over consuming excessive amounts of caffeine. Decaff coffee is good, but water is by far the best.

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