February 16, 2017

Don't Beat Yourself Up for Diet Mistakes

This article in WebMD is somewhat enlightening if it weren't so poorly written and only emphasizing one side of the weight loss battle. Yes, diets fail and quite often. So I would like to change the wording from 'diets' to “a way of life,” meaning this is a permanent change and not a temporary way of living, or a diet.

Human beings, even those with fantastic willpower, are known to have weak moments. So, whatever the reason is that caused your way of life to go off track, repeat after me: It’s really and truly OK.

Still beating yourself up? Take a look at some of the common ways people are too hard on themselves, and why they shouldn't be:
  • But... I should have more willpower.
  • But... I hate that I’m always making excuses.
  • But... I should have picked a different diet.
  • But... I’m just not a good dieter.
  • But... I’m doomed to be stuck at this weight forever.
  • But... I’ve always been overweight so I just don’t think I can do it.

Humans are wired to reject things they don’t enjoy and embrace those they do. So, if you’re not happy on a particular way of life, chances are good that you’ll wind up cutting out early.

Life happens. Sometimes good stuff, like impromptu vacations, causes people to relax their way of life efforts. Sometimes the kids get sick, preventing even the most devoted person from heading to the grocery store to stock up on healthy fare. Occasionally, you just really want to eat whatever you want. The reason you stopped watching your nutritional goals isn’t really important.

Fad diets, (here is that word again) are all the rage and have been for centuries. Everyone loves a diet that promises unbelievable results, especially in short order. So, if you want to participate in a diet that allows only Twinkie or baby food consumption, I guess you can give it a shot. However, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) recommends picking a plan rich in fruits, veggies, lean meats and low-fat dairy products, to name a few. If you're unsure what's right for you, ask your doctor to recommend a diet plan that incorporates the nutrients your body needs to function and thrive, and, yes, lose weight. Something tells me that Twinkies have few, if any, nutrients.

There’s a way of life out there for absolutely everyone. All you have to do is find it and commit to it! If food preparation is the problem, pick one of those services that provide your meals for a monthly fee. If you’re often hungry when out and about, pack a healthy snack that’ll keep you from picking a high-calorie option. Figure out what your Achilles heel is and fix it.

Motivation is a key factor in weight-loss success. Overweight or obese patients are given the tools to lose weight, but their own hang-ups often get in the way. People need to learn how to deal with daily problems, stay motivated and address setbacks in a healthy manner if their way of life is really going to be successful.

For many people who’ve been overweight for life, weight loss can seem unattainable. If self-esteem or other issues are keeping you from truly focusing and believing in yourself, it might be time to work with a professional to figure out how to give yourself the boost you need for a better way of life.

No matter how many diets you’ve abandoned, it’s important to never let your self-esteem pay the price. With the right tools, focus and motivation, you can find a nutrition plan that helps you feel healthier and happier. Just be sure that you are committed in a permanent way and leave the temporary ways behind.

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