May 13, 2016

Secrecy about Diabetes Not Good

It has been a few days since the woman with type 2 diabetes was released by the hospital and Brenda called today and said she was back in the hospital and still in very poor condition. She said that this time is was hyperglycemia and she had not been okay when her husband left for work and he had sent the children off to school before he left. He did go home at noon and found her unconscious and called the ambulance.

Brenda would be picking up the children today and taking them directly to the hospital per the doctor's instructions. The husband had objected, but the doctor told him that his wife may not recover and he felt the children should see her before something happened. He then agreed and said he would allow this.

Sue said that after the children arrived and saw their mother, they started crying and between tears asked their dad why they were keeping everything a secret when something was wrong with mom. The father asked the nurse to come over and explain what was the matter with their mother. Sue said the nurse asked the doctor if this was okay and he said he would as soon as he checked on their mother.

After he returned from that, he sat the children down and spent about 20 minutes answering their questions and then he had the nurse continue while he checked on their mother again. Brenda said both did an excellent job of answering their questions and the nurse showed them some slides about diabetes and explained what each slide meant and what they should be watching for when their mother was released from the hospital and then what steps to take.

Brenda said that the eldest then asked her if this was serious. Brenda had to think before she answered. She told them that it was serious as long as her mother would not talk about it with her and thought that she still had a secret from them. If she started talking to them about her diabetes and what she may need when they were not in school, then it could be less serious. The daughter then asked about what she had done the first time by calling 911 and if that was the correct action. Brenda said under the circumstances is was the correct thing to do. This is what should have been done that morning, but their father had not realized how serious it was since she could still talk.

The father came out then and asked if Brenda could take the children home. The two put up some resistance and Brenda said she would take them to her house until their father picked them up.

The next morning, Brenda called more of us together and said the two girls had asked many questions and asked to see the medication she was taking. The eldest said that was the same as they had seen in the refrigerator at home and asked how she took it and many more questions. Brenda said they were very patient and when they asked about saying something at school, Brenda said she advised them that this would not be something wise as this time. She said that this was the reason her mother had not said anything to tell them about her diabetes.

Brenda did say that she told them about the horror stories other children would tell them and while the two hospital stays by her mother were serious, they would only add to the horror stories other children would tell them. Most of this was because of misinformation that the other children had been told about diabetes.

Brenda said she would give us additional as she and Sue learn about it. She stated that this situation is scary and she hoped the woman does not lose her life over her desire for secrecy.

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