February 23, 2015

Investors in Afrezza Don't Appreciate Questions

A person that says he is a researcher is calling me out for my recent blog on Afrezza. If he is indeed a researcher, why does he need to hide under a user name? Oh, probably because he may be afraid of exposing his true investing nature in Afrezza.

I do appreciate him for promoting my blog. I am not confused as he tries to portray me, but I will not use Afrezza. I think until many other issues are put to rest, many people will wait and make sure that Afrezza will not end up as Exubera did – being pulled from the market for lack of use. Many of the people posting are investors and are forcing issues like joining diabetes forum websites and in essence advertising Afrezza. Most of the good forums are deleting these posts and when they republish them, they are banned as a participant from the forum. All forums will accept paid advertising, but will delete advertising that is free in this manner.

Some people with diabetes that I have talked to are afraid of what it will do to their lungs and some are afraid of lung cancer. I just tell them that if they are afraid, then wait until Afrezza has been on the market for five to seven years and this will confirm or deny their fear. Others have said the acute bronchospasm that has been observed will cause them not to use it. One said this applies to him as he has been recently diagnosed with COPD and therefore he would not consider using it.

Others in our support group are now saying that the research into smart insulin may be worth waiting for, as rodent testing has been very positive. The researchers are now developing the smart insulin into a therapy for human use. The sad part of this is that it will not be ready for clinical trials for another 2 to 5 years. Presently, this is being targeted for people with type 1 diabetes, but maybe it will become available “off label” for type 2.

Either way, I have to wonder if inhaled insulin will be that popular. It may be among the younger people with diabetes, but without testing in the elderly, many may avoid using it.

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