April 27, 2012

Friday Tidbits 04-27-12

Even if I want to praise this study, I cannot. That is why I have included it in Friday Tidbits. There are too many unknowns and even the authors admit more studies are urgently needed because of the lack of evidence. I do not know if this was intentional, but the article even failed to identify where the study was published, right in the first paragraph. For an editor's choice, that is very poor.

The title says what I want it to say, Insulin Usually Better Than Oral Drugs For Type 2 Diabetes.” Then the confusion starts about where it was published and even to the point of what the real reason is for comparing oral medications, specifically metformin to insulin. Those that follow my blogs know I am not one in favor of insulin being the medication of last resort for type 2 diabetes. All I can say about this study it that it is there and read it for yourself.

The second tidbit is about a different subject, but still should be interesting in many ways. While the stated purpose is to keep older drivers on the road, I can see many other possibilities, some good and some not so beneficial. It is a one-of-a-kind research auto that can monitor our concentration, stress levels, and driving habits while behind the wheel. The stated purpose is to develop new technologies to support older drivers.

The Intelligent Transport team at Newcastle University, UK have converted an electric car into a mobile laboratory. Named 'DriveLAB', the car is outfitted with tracking systems, eye trackers and bio-monitors in an effort to understand the challenges faced by older drivers and to identify where the key stress points are.

Research shows that giving up driving is one of the key factors responsible for a fall in health and well-being among older people, leading to them becoming more isolated and inactive.

The negatives I can see if this makes its way to the USA is many enforcement agencies and especially auto insurance companies will use this information to restrict drivers and raise auto insurance costs. In some areas of the country, this may indeed be a good thing. In the largely rural parts, this may be a help for drivers and if auto insurance companies are not allowed at the data, this could be a benefit to older drivers when other means of transportation are unavailable.

The last tidbit is an area that more people are learning about, but the doctors as a whole will not acknowledge or accept in most cases. It is interesting that the naturopathic and medical doctors did work together in this study. How well they did is an unanswered question and the only fault I can find that really bothers me about the study. From that, I may misinterpret some things, chiefly that they do not want to be identified by their medical professional organizations.

The other part of this is a blog by a type 1 blogger and her discussion about some of the trials and discoveries in treating her diabetes. This is well worth the time to read from her perspective.

Yes, some medical doctors will work with naturopathic, holistic, and complementary medicine doctors very well. I will not object to any doctor working with another doctor in a different type of medicine. There are many holistic, naturopathic, and complementary medicine doctors that will not work with other doctors of any type as they can also become so full of their own importance that they think they are the only answer. These are the personalities in any type of medicine that all of us can do without as they do more harm that good in the long-term.

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