March 24, 2011

Less Than Stellar Results From Gastric Banding

I had a different post ready for today, but it is not April Fools day yet, and I almost got sucked in by some bad information that was both misleading and hyping a poor product. Talk about following a gut instinct. I can only say this is one time I was very happy I decided to do more research. When I get past my anger about these people, I may write something about this, but I cannot see giving them any recognition or space in my blog.

Therefore I decided to do a short blog about a valid study done before the turn of the century that may not be representative of today's results.  Gastric banding is done by may obese people with diabetes to assist them in weight loss.  I know that the bariatric surgeons are less than happy that this study has been brought back, but people need to be informed about the errors of the past.

The same study has two different articles about the study done in Belgium between 1994 and the end of 1997. It also has comments about the improvements since, but none of this is backed by more recent studies. Just a way of crying foul when some little truth is exposed that might hurt some retirement funds.

I agree that the study was small and may not have been done by today's standards, but who is to know how the agenda would drive a study today. I agree that I have an agenda against the way bariatric surgery is being promoted today and the many facts that are being carefully sidestepped in the name of success and not scaring people away.

Read the articles about the same study here and here.

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