September 16, 2009

Random Topics

I thought I was ready with two new blogs, but discovered a couple of problems. So back to the research to find the answers.

A Favorite Blog
I feel the need to mention the blog by Tom Ross of September 14. For having type 2 diabetes, this modest gentleman is doing exceptionally well in managing his health. While he makes no claim that it will work for others, or that he may never have to go on medicines, eight years of success speaks volumes.

There are not enough people willing to put their lives under such close scrutiny by posting a daily diary. We must congratulate him for his efforts and success!  Knowing that his way is not remotely possible for me makes me even happier for him.  Therefore, Tom, take a well-deserved bow.

I sincerely wish my brother were alive to read Tom's blog, as he would appreciate this as a vindication of what he was able to accomplish until cancer took him. All those who are able to control their diabetes with nutrition and exercise, please do not remain in the shadows.  We need more role models that can be seen and give others hope that it can be done.

Diabetes Alert Dogs
The blogs for diabetes alert dogs is presently on hold for lack of communications.  This is mostly my fault for not asking the right questions of busy people.  Lack of good journalism skills which I need to learn.  Reaching out to people and organizations for answers is taking time.  One organization mentioned in an in-country article, said they have no idea that they were mentioned as resource as they have no interest in diabetes alert dogs and did not know there were any in their country.

Interesting Diabetes Web Site
About a month ago, I came across the web site for the Behavioral Diabetes Institute in San Diego, CA.  It got my interest and I have been exploring the site.  There are some interesting discussions and articles on the emotional and psychological aspects of diabetes.  This is too often ignored by the press and people writing about diabetes.  This group is presently too small to have presentations outside their local area, but I have hope for a larger area in the future.  The site is worth the time to explore.

Changing of Seasons
The first day of Autumn will be here next week and I am looking forward to the display of beautiful colors Mother Nature will put on across our country.

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